Me, Myself…


img_4455Mom, daughter, wife, analyst, homemaker, gardener all rolled into one! My love for cooking started even when  I was in school. Over the years, my cooking  has been influenced by the people I have met, places I have lived in, my grandmom, amma and my sisters!  The blog started as a hobby when I was a homemaker and i am amazed to see the number of people whose lives it has touched!

I draw inspiration from anywhere/anyone  around me and love trying new dishes and posting about new cuisines. Most of my recipes are low calorie,low sugar, high fiber and healthy as I believe that its important to eat smart too. My blogs are an attempt to revive the traditional recipes that were handed over to me by my grand mothers, and also to infuse some of the recent day recipes, and modern cuisines, with a healthy touch. As food is a common platform that everybody can relate to, I believe that my blog site would do just that.

Anubhavati is one who experiences…Come, experience and enjoy my journey!

63 thoughts on “Me, Myself…

  1. Hey Shoba,

    I have always been a great fan of food blogs..and now am extremely excited to see one from you. The food you prepare has always been innovative as it is has been delectable. Looking forward for some wonderful recipes and great information..

    Happy Cooking/blogging,

  2. Hey shobs,

    I have been knowing you for the past 8 yrs & I had no clue that u would have this much of interest in cuisines .

    Ofcourse we didnot have time to share all these during our Nungam days!!!

    GREAT JOB!!! May be u can think of publising ur own book…

    gonna to try all ur recipes…

    & Can u post the recipes of pudina rice & beans rice(which u made during ur visit to Chicago)

  3. Sure Vidhya,

    Did I also make pudina rice? Both of them are onion less so its a nice thing….Sure, I`ll post them asap..

    Thnks ,


  4. Dear Sobz….

    great site can you provide the list of item that r rich in fibre and protein.. which could be consumed on a daily basis and food that can be tasty but off all the frill…
    Suggest some healthy snacks for kids too……

  5. Hi shoba

    Is this actually you? Did a great job . I never knew that you had this passion . Can’t wait to try some of these reciepes . Iam sure they will turn out great. Do you have the reciepe for “sabudana thechari “? I love it …
    Keep up the good work

  6. Hi Shobha

    I browsed ur entire blog and found some nice and easy recipes. It is so interesting to know so many recipes and ur culinary and creativity skills as well.

    If possible try to post more eggless cake recipes. And i also look forward for more recipes in ur blog.

    Good luck for ur blog


  7. enna mami, athula nalla samayal pola.. have taken out a couple of receipes… quite nice.. let me know if you want me to contribute to this. I can easily think of lasagne and penne alfredo…


    Praveen K.

  8. just got here through the roundup… you have a lovely blog. nice recipes and very good pictures. good luck!!

  9. Hi Shobs,

    Good one … super a irukku. I am sure lot of young female working women will find it useful…

    All the best

  10. Hello Shoba, I would love to follow your web.You have very interesting recipes. As such I’m subscribing to your mails. Please drop by my blogspot when you can.

  11. Hey, Nice blog..I was suprised that you have almost all my fav dishes and make it the way I make as well. Keep posting more yummy recipies:)

  12. Dear Divya,

    It`s really a simple easy yet delicious recipe…Glad that you liked it.


  13. Enna ma kannu SUPER O SUPER!! Specially ur pics are really nice. Appadiye sapalam nu thonaradhu. Keep up the great job!!!

  14. Hey Shobs,

    Ellame nalla iruku.. anna.. cook panni parcel panniviya for lazy people like me??? 😀


  15. HI shobha.

    Nice Blog. i think i will start cooking your recipe from today. yummy yummy. i was just searching for different sundal in Google and i came across your blog, its awesome job. Even bomai arrangement are very good.

  16. hello shobha

    are you from St.Louis. I live here too. send me a mail.
    I am looking into the website now. I was curious .
    Send me a mail to my email address.
    Good i got the website. Interesting website.

  17. hi its a very nice website,can u help me plz,im looking for a eno fruit salt,were ill get in chennai.

  18. hi shoba ,
    thank you for a nice and needy recipes. which are very helpful in my daily schedule.

  19. loved ur blog n ur efforts to keep the art of cooking alive..wish i was a bit like u 🙂

    Pooja Nair

  20. Hi Shoba

    First time to your blog and liked it a lot. I love your way with words.
    I will look around the place more and see what I can try.

  21. Hello! Shoba!

    nice blog… after reading ur blog i came to know that recently ur blessed with motherhood. im a working mother of 10 month old baby boy… to whom i just started giving semi solid food… could u please write something regarding homemade baby food which create interest in babies to eat.

    Happy Motherhood! & Keep Blogging!!

    – Shipra

  22. hi shoba,

    I was browsing for tomato rasam luckily I happened to be in your site . u have gr8 collection especially traditional recipes which I thoroughly enjoy . Could u please let me know how to prepare traditional rasam podi which u used in delicious homemade tomato ramsam . I did leave a comment in the recipe section regarding rasam podi recipe but I didnt recieve any reply.awaitng for ure reply. thanks in advance

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  24. really a nice blog with lots of delicious recipes…surely will try something out soon…thanks….tk care.

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  26. I was browsing for tomato rasam luckily I happened to be in your site . u have gr8 collection especially traditional recipes which I thoroughly enjoy . Could u please let me know how to prepare traditional rasam podi which u used in delicious homemade tomato ramsam . I did leave a comment in the recipe section regarding rasam podi recipe but I didnt recieve any reply.awaitng for ure reply. thanks in advance

  27. Hi,

    The collection what you have posted is very very useful and the way you post is excellent in tempting way, good job..!

    Please mark a page for traditional recipes, so every one can know about our grand ma’s great recipes.

    My grandma is doing mangottai kozhambu, if you know that please post it.



  28. Hi shobs,

    Visited ur blog today after a very long time….infact these 3 months I had not been to kitchen at all….

    After coming back I feel myself so new to cooking….wanted to try something new….& I saw so many new recipes …(ofcourse i havn’t tried many of ur old ones too….)

    To begin with Iam gonna try ur yenna kathirikai araithu vita sambhar…..let me say the results tomm…..

    take care


  29. nice blog. shall visit very often as my son and husband both loves to taste new recipes always.

  30. Dear Shoba,

    My name is Daniel Bingham. About a year ago, I got frustrated with the existing recipe sharing communities and got an idea for a new one. For the last year, I have been working to make that idea a reality. It is called Fridge to Food ( ).

    When you visit Fridge to Food, you’ll notice that each user has a number after their name. That number is reputation. When you post recipes on Fridge to Food, other people can vote on them. When they vote your recipes up, you’ll gain reputation. It is a measure of how much the community has come to trust you.

    As you gain reputation on Fridge to Food you will gain more privileges and more responsibilities on the site. Eventually, there will be little difference between the moderators, like me, and the users with the highest reputations. Ultimately, Fridge to Food is not my website. It is your community. I do not run the community. You do.

    I have only recently finished the basic tools that make such a community possible. I have begun to work on more advanced ones, but I have also begun to build the community itself. Every community has to start small and Fridge to Food is no different. To grow the community I dream of, I am writing to food bloggers such as yourself and asking you to join us. Join our community and help it grow. Share your favorite recipes. Help another cook by photographing their recipe. Vote on photographs. Vote on a few recipes. And share the site with your family, friends and readers.

    With your help, we can build a community of cooks, chefs, photographers and eaters from all over the world and a collection of recipes and photographs to rival any that has come before it.

    Daniel Bingham
    Founder, Fridge to Food

  31. Dear shoba,
    All ur recipes r too good..Can u post some rice varieties for keeping in lunch box..That will be very usefull or every women who packs ood for their husband..Keep rocking.Longing for ur post.

  32. Dear shoba,
    I have tried ur granny smith apple pickle and peas pulav cooked in tomato gravy was excellent…thanks for posting a very tastier fud..Keep rocking


  33. Dear Shobha,

    Can you put a new tag – traditional – for the recipes that truly are…. will help us all revive the old magic…

    One more request – please give the traditional recipes the way they come – do not try to make them healthy…. you can always post a healthy version…

    Cooking is dying in India…. I am learning it so that I can teach my daughters about our rich culinary heritage…



  34. Hey Shobha,

    Its amazing WOW!!! The pictures are beautiful, great skills. Keep it up.
    I just got a glance of ur blog today, will try out a few recipes and let you know. Thank you for mentioning about your blog today….Now I know where to drop in for a nice mouthwatering bite….:-)


  35. Hi Nice to be on your blog – all your dishes looks delicious and am happy to follow your kitchen adventures 🙂 Please do visit/follow mine if you like what you see too – cheers, priya

  36. Hi
    your blog is so nice..
    Am creating a new blog.. i need a few dishes of yours can i copy it from urs..
    I wil do courtesy
    pls reply me at vidyasantha12@gmail,com
    Thank u

  37. Hi there! Great blog..I just happened to see it!
    I love that you have a “no onions” category…I don’t consume onions or garlic and your recipes are really interesting and helpful:)

    Love your blog, keep it up:)


  38. You have an absolutely brilliant blog. I am smitten. More so because of the photography of the food. Keep it up!

  39. Hi there,

    (I don’t know how to catch your attention but hopefully you could spare me a minute to read this message.)

    My name is Freddy. Surfing on the net I found your blog and noticed you have a great number of tasty recipes there, that is why I am contacting you. I wonder if you would like join our website and receive more visitors to your blog through making your recipes available to a greater number of internet users. has been launched recently and from the first day it has gained popularity among food lovers. Today the site can be found in 45 countries, where we deliver thousands of visitors to food blogs daily. Some Top Food Blogs on our pages receive more than 20 thousands unique visitors a week.

    Recently and to improve the user experience and develop their loyalty we added social features that allow our users to create cookbooks, save recipes and follow other users. This means that when a recipe from your blog is saved, the user will always have the opportunity of visiting your blog again.

    So, if this sounds like a good plan to you, please visit our website & add your blog through the Top Food Blogs section here: There you will find all the instructions you need to follow to become a part of our bloggers family.

    Hopefully your food blog will be up there in the top!
    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at

    Warm regards,

  40. Hi anubhavati,
    I love all your recipes. I am reaching out to you from an online food community for passionate cook, professional chefs and homecooks. It is a community of about 200 food bloggers with hundreds of recipes and counting. You might find some fellow bloggers from India and abroad as well on our platform.

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